Jeannette Mokosch

Calligraphy artist book author encourager


Throw blossoms around you,
lush, fragrant, bold,
until the blossom seeds
bloom in your life.

Jeannette Mokosch

One night I had this voice in my head, in a half-daze, telling me “buy a pen and write like the poets of old“.

How did you get into calligraphy?

You do much more than “just” calligraphy. You write poetry, illustrate, hold regular workshops, write online courses, encouraging newsletters and have also recently launched “My Blooming Home”.

Jeannette, please tell us: what do you do and, above all, how do you manage it all? After all, there are only 24 hours in a day?

I trust that I do my best, that I stand by what I believe and am blessed in my work, and I can simply confirm this over the last few years, that God has never let me down and has brought clients to me from all different corners.

Jeannette MokoschCalligraphy & encouragement

You’ve been self-employed for …. years, and with such great success: what drives you?

Jeannette Mokosch

“Since I have also publicly professed my faith in God, which is of course now my very individual story, since I’ve also made myself known as a Christian in the business world, with my values that form the core of my work, I have experienced great favour in my actions.”

Childhood dream: was there a dream job as a child?

Jeannette Mokosch

“But I want to move forward as much as I can in my vocation, so that’s the encouragement, that’s the calligraphy and the ‘making someone bloom’ on my different channels.”

What are your next big (small) goals?

I don't think you should give up just because a goal hasn't been achieved in the year you set out to achieve it. There's that wonderful saying about being overwhelmed when you see the goals you set yourself for a year, but you're amazed at what you've actually achieved in five years. And that's exactly the case for me.

Jeannette MokoschCalligraphy & encouragement

Do you have a morning ritual? What is an essential part of a successful morning?

Are you a morning grouch or an early riser?

Jeannette Mokosch

In a broader sense, I see myself as a packaging artist, I package messages with sensual art and design, and I always want to convey an encouraging message.

What time do you get up and how do you wake up – mobile phone, alarm clock, cock crowing?

Your favourite breakfast?

Your tip for a good start to the morning that works for you?

Jeannette Mokosch

Even with an hour or two of effective work a day, you can really create something beautiful if you don’t waste the time. You can really do a lot in two hours.

Your (life) story is so encouraging. What is your recipe or tip(s) for achieving heart goals, including when applied very specifically to “daily life”?

Thank you for the inspiring conversation, dear Jeannette!


Jeannette regularly dedicates her time to personal, encouraging words from life, about adventurous self-employment as a mum, calligraphy and the secrets of a successful life and shares them via her newsletters. She has 2 extensive gifts for her newsletter readers:
1. a materials list “The best materials for a successful start with the pointed nib!”
2. an e-book on the topic “Let your finances flourish”, exclusively for newsletter readers.