1607 Records
Label for early new music
1607 RECORDS label for Early & New Music
From the sweet sounds of hand-picked world-first recordings to the compelling essays about the works, from the fairytale photography, gorgeous illustrations, calligraphic inscriptions to the fine paper and bookbinding: 1607 Records makes artistic visions material.
Hand-in-hand with carefully selected CD presses, bookbinders and printers, painstakingly and lovingly created productions are manufactured sustainably and regionally in Austria.
Dedicated to the credo of beauty, excellence and quality, with a love of detail and an eye for the bigger picture.
Early ‘New’ Music: Never heard before by today’s ears. New ‘Early’ Music: Contemporary works, inspired by Old Masters and Mistresses.
1607 RECORDS label for Early & New Music
Early New Music
After languishing in dusty archives for centuries, forgotten delicacies are dug out to celebrate a magnificent comeback as world-first recordings for this label. They make a valuable contribution to the rediscovery of previously untapped treasures of musical history.
New Early Music
At the same time, the label opens the gates to a new world with contemporary music and compositions commissioned from Wolfgang Mitterer. Electronic sounds and contemporary spirit meet the sonic world of the Old Masters and Mistresses; new emerges from the old.
One more insider tip: the label’s trademark is its concept albums, published in book form.
A musical art book
The premium CD accompanied by a high-quality hardcover book in half-linen binding, a MUSICAL ART BOOK that sets new standards and expands the boundaries of the CD booklet.
Quality in music, text, photography, graphic design, illustration, material, production and execution call to mind the lasting Gesamtkunstwerke (‘total artworks’) by the greats of the past, as well as embodying sustainability and values.

Dedicated to the credo of beauty, excellence and quality
Music and sound woven into an overall concept of excellent interpretation, audiophile recording quality, compelling essays about the works and beautiful graphic design of both CD and book.
The special acoustic and natural spaces – an early classicist castle with a French garden lending a fairytale touch to film and photography shoots, rugged mountain chains and magical forest clearings that accompany the essays on the works or the recording location, a Gothic church on top of a more than 1,000-metre-high mountain – give the concept albums a grounding that calms and inspires as well as invites us to dream. Texts written as historical miniatures by renowned historians explain the special aspects of these places, and recipes in keeping with the theme of the album complete this musical art book. Pleasure for all senses.
The label’s releases have won prizes (including the Ö1 Pasticcio Prize) and praise from the public and music press.